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The Circumstances under Which Criminal Records Can Be Cleared


Once in a while, one can be accused of a criminal offense, and they can be persecuted wrongly. In many countries and states, there are rules that required such an individual be expunged supposed they have been declared innocent. The process of criminal record clearing is not an easy one, and a person may be needed to hire an expungement lawyer to help them. In many cases, the person seeking their records cleared is not required to be in the court for any hearing because the decision made can reach them through the lawyers or emails. One may be expunged when they are applying for a job especially those that require high levels of integrity such as a federal agent. It is, however, important to know that suppose an individual has committed a crime after clearing the records, the court can use the previous crimes to track their records. To gather more awesome ideas on Criminal Justice Lawyer, click here to get started. 


Clearing of records can be requested for by an individual who has been arrested unlawfully. Suppose you have been accused wrongly and arrested for a crime that you have not committed, you can file for expungement.  It is important to realize that you are only allowed to start the process after five years of conviction. The process does not start soon after one has finished with the case. You can get arrested because of impersonation or because there is evidence that traces back to you wrongly. It can be hard to prove ones' innocence in such cases but suppose you are later vindicated and released you can have the chance to clear your name.  Here's a good read about Criminal Record Expungement, check it out! 


The other case where ones' criminal records can be cleared is when they have maintained a good behavior after they have been convicted. A criminal lawyer can be hired to investigate the kind of activities one has engaged in over a given period and give a report. Suppose you have been found to be clean in your ways, then you are allowed to file for expungement. It is also possible to achieve this when one has been arrested, but they fail to be convicted because of any reason.


When one had committed a crime when they considered minor, and later on they reach the adulthood, it can be possible for them to file for criminal record clearing. It is necessary to realize that they are only allowed to do this when they have reached the age of eighteen, and the individual has proved to that. Kindly visit  this website  for more useful reference. 

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